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Square Red-Bean Soft Candy
Soft Candy in Succulent Shape

Plant-Based Soft Candy

Plant-based soft candies are a type of candies that are cooked at a lower temperature and have a moisture content of about 20%. The texture of this type of candy can be soft or hard, elastic, sticky, or brittle. It can be combined with chocolate, coating technology, etc. Meanwhile, it can also be used as a companion or decorative material for various products.

Product Description

Square Red-Bean Soft Candy:

plant-based system
tender and elastic texture
does not melt at 50-60℃
add red bean granules to increase the physical feeling

Soft Candy in Succulent Shape:

elastic texture

not sticky to teeth
plant-based soft candy
fitting with strach mode

good biting performance

not easy to melt at 50-60℃

The amount of colloid added is 1.8%

center full filled soft candy

The picture is center full filled soft candy.



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